Butterfly Sparks Designs

Monday, February 23, 2009

My bag and other things

Update: I put up a poll for when you think Lincoln will be born. It's on the right, so go vote! :)

I made a list of everything that needed to go in our hospital bag. I've packed everything away except for the things that I won't be able to throw in until the last minute because we use them everyday. I was wondering what items YOU took to the hospital that you were thankful you had, or wish you had brought with you. Also, I would love to know if you packed things you thought you would need, that ended up being totally unnecessary. All tips and advice regarding the hospital bag will be greatly appreciated!!!

On to other topics not related to pregnancy--Chris and I found this cute flower pot at Wal*mart yesterday. We re-potted a plant that we've had for a long time and we're hoping it survives.

Also, my mom told us about this new cereal and I'm hooked! It is very yummy. At the rate that I eat it, I find it very hard to believe that it will help me " Lose up to 6 lbs in 2 weeks!"


Leigh Ann said...

You made me laugh out loud when you wrote, "after March 14th.. God help me". It will come soon enough and when you see his precious face you will forget all the misery you went through. Matter of fact, a few months down the road you will say, "that wasn't so bad!". Just remember, the rough times makes us appreciate the good times so much more. Love ya.......

The Tibbs World said...

Brooklyn was 6 days late and I thought I was just going to explode! But if she needed a little extra time to get ready I was happy to provide her a nice warm home. :)

I packed too much stuff that I didn't need and forgot some things that I wished I had taken.

* Keep all your makeup in a carry along bag (or go buy some to put in a little bag).

* If you have a boppy pillow take it with you, I wished I had and will take mine along this time.

* Don't forget your camera!

* Take extra changes of clothes and comfortable pjs to lay in. (When we were stuck for a week at the hospital, Mom had to bring me more clothes.)

*They'll give you a bag to take home with you so pack everything from the baby's cart that they will let you. (I still have Brooklyn thermometers and they are so helpful.)

I'll let you know if I think of anything else! :)

* Oh, and you may want to take an extra pillow. I never seemed to have enough.

* AND...I know you live not to far from the hospital but if Chris plans on staying in the hospital he may want to pack a little bag for himself.

ginmommy said...

Make sure you take maternity clothes with you. I've heard of many women that think they will be back in "normal clothes" right after giving birth, sorry that will not happen..... I was happy that I had lots of clean socks (weird I know) and since there will be lots of blood, bring extra underwear.... BTW, why haven't we seen any pics of you lately??? This is the end, we need to see some belly!!!!

Anonymous said...

Well i obviously have no advice on what to pack... but im thinkin a bunch of ponytail holders bc i doubt you'll wanna fix your hair... and your cell phone charger.... you always need that!!! i voted that lincoln will be born 2 weeks early... but really i think hes comin tomorrow... itd really be perfect... im outta class and off work all day.... haha... love ya bunches lil mama!!!


Chuck, Heather, and Makenna Curtis said...

Hi Megan. I happened across your blog from another friend of mine's blog. I don't know when you graduated high school but I started teaching at CHS in August of 2005...Does Ms. Hogg ring a bell? I've married since then, Mrs. Curtis now. I taught Josh in Algebra 1 last year. I've actually been following your blog for almost a year now and I must say your stories are a delight to read. I hope you don't mind me reading them.

I wanted to give you some advice on what to take if you don't mind. I would go ahead and buy anything now to pack that you can buy 2 of (like toiletries) so you're not packing anything at the last minute. My daughter came 4 weeks early and luckily I had my bag packed, but you can never be too prepared. I would take plenty of comfy clothes, maternity as well because you'll still be swollen. Just go through your house and anything that you house on a daily basis definitely take. Also, you might want to bring a book or maybe portable DVD player to watch movies. My daughter was jaundiced and we were in the hospital for a week but she was in the nursery a majority of the time while I stayed as a border to nurse. Needless-to-say, it was a boring time. Snacks may be a good thing too, although I'm sure you'll have lots of people bringing you food. I hope this helps.

Heather Curtis

Beth, Joshua and Isabella said...

Yes to the ponytail holders, lots of comfy clothes, your pillow, the Boppy, socks, plenty of undies, some gum... I even brought Isabella's baby book and filled in some of the details so I wouldn't forget.

Also - don't forget the laptop for the live video feed. Your public is entitled to see that baby ASAP! :-)

Sulayne said...

*A friend had bought me a longaberger basket for each baby and I had the nurses put the baby's footprint on the lid. I also had all of the nurses and doctors sign the bottom of the basket. Rhett, Micah, and Blair all have their basket sitting on their dresser and show people how tiny their foot was when visitors come to the house.
*If you scrapbook, take a blank page for the baby footprint as well. I also took a page (and pen/marker) and had all of the visitors sign it.
*When you pack, make sure you put the outfit that you want Lincoln to have his hospital picture taken in close (and make sure Chris knows where it is). With Rhett, the nurse woke me up at 3:00 in the morning and said that she knew it was bad timing, but Rhett was wide awake and they wanted to go ahead and take his picture.
*A Boppy Pillow!!!!
*I also took a stretchy velour/terry hoodie & pants ... I was determined that I wasn't going to wear maternity clothes again! ;)
*Take your time, slow down, and enjoy every moment. Just thinking about each hospital stay brings tears to my eyes.

Alisha Davidson said...

Hey Megan. Oh my goodness well it's been forever since we have talked. I am so excited you are having a little boy. it is such a blessing. i love being a mother and i bet you will too. and a wonderful mother. :)
Where are you having him? I packed socks, and lots of them, thick ones. They kept me comfy and kept my feet very warm. A robe or something is a smart thing to take since those hospital gowns are revealing!!! Also the hospital already had a hair dryer and towels and all that so I just took sweat pants , socks,toothbrush,well you know the basics. Also for labor I took some puzzle books. haha it was a very long process and I just did puzzles the entire time I was in labor. It kept me occupied. Well I think I am done talking. LOL. I can't wait to see that beautiful baby of yours!

Anonymous said...

Megan I told your mom about the Blueberries.....
Francis Atkins Jr.......