Last night was kind of rough. Lincoln was simply inconsolable. His tummy was making all sorts of sounds and I'm pretty sure he had a belly ache. So we didn't get much sleep. Today has been a great day though. I went to change Lincoln's diaper and he had taken the mother load of all poops--which we think was the issue bothering him last night. When I put the cold wipe to his bottom, he peed across the room and a little got on me. I yelled to Chris that Lincoln had just peed across the room. When Chris got back there, we removed the old diaper to put the new one on and right about that moment, he took another huge poopy on the changing table! The good news is that ever since he did that, he has been super happy.
My parents, Josh, and Brittany came by to see Lincoln today.
Kathy and Denny visited today too but Lincoln was sleeping for most of the time. So I didn't get any pictures. Besides eating and being burped, Lincoln's favorite thing to do is bounce in his infant bouncy seat.
Here's Lincoln waving to everyone in blogworld!
oooohhhhh myyyyy goooooddddnnneeessss!!!! I love Lincoln!!!! I cant wait to come see you guys monday... you better get your lunch order in!!!! hahaha... he is such a sweetie... and i love that he can pee across the room!!! :)
he learned to pee across the room from his name sake......papa
He is a very cute baby. For real, very cute. These first few months are kind of rough, but worth it and you'll look back at these days and miss them. Can't wait to see more pics...
Isn't that love for you child the most amazing love? I didn't know I could love someone that much! And because of that you begin to love your husband all the more...God is good!
Milacon(?) gas drops might help a little. Brooklyn lived on that stuff for the first 3 months.
He is super cute. Hope to see you guys soon.
How great. What I learned with Drew is to lay the clean diaper over the top of him while I changed him. They basically pee on you for the first 6 months ;)Enjoy every minute!!!
Luke was a big pee-er(sp?). We had to play duck and cover every time a diaper came off!
I am not a parent yet, but I have to say that nephew of mine makes me feel something I'd never felt before. The way his eyes light up when I come in after being away for a month is wonderful. I can only imagine the love that you two feel for Lincoln. I have no doubt that the two of you will be the best parents Lincoln could ask for. He's one lucky little boy!
I am so happy that you have a healthy happy boy, I will be back in around Easter, maybe I can meet Lincoln then!
He is absolutely precious! Thanks for sharing pictures of him!
He's so precious! I can't wait to hear all the funny little stories about the first few months! You are very blessed!
beautiful picture guys! the tears are rolling! congrats!
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