After many recommendations I finally gave in and decided to read the book, On Becoming Babywise. Instead of me trying to explain it, here's the book's description on amazon.com:
"The infant management concepts presented in this book have found favor with over two million parents and twice as many contented babies. On Becoming Babywise brings hope to the tired and bewildered parents looking for an alternative to sleepless nights and fussy babies. The Babywise Parent Directed Feeding concept has enough structure to bring security and order to your baby's world, yet enough flexibility to give mom freedom to respond to any need at any time. It teaches parents how to lovingly guide their baby's day rather than be guided or enslaved to the infant's unknown needs. The information contained within On Becoming Babywise is loaded with success. Comprehensive breast-feeding follow-up surveys spanning three countries, of mothers using the PDF method verify that as a result of the PDF concepts, 88% breast-feed, compared to the national average of only 54% (from the National Center for Health Statistics). Of these breast-feeding mothers, 80% of them breast-feed exclusively without a formula complement. And while 70% of our mothers are still breast-feeding after six months, the national average encourage to follow demand feeding without any guidelines is only 20%. The mean average time of breast-feeding for PDF moms is 33 1/2 weeks, well above the national average. Over 50% of PDF mothers extend their breast-feeding toward and well into the first year. Added to these statistics is another critical factor. The average breast-fed PDF baby sleeps continuously through night seven to eight hours between weeks seven and nine. Healthy sleep in infants is analogous to healthy growth and development. Find out for yourself why a world of parents and pediatricians utilize the concepts found in On Becoming Babywise."
We started putting what we read into practice tonight, and so far so good. For the past few weeks, Lincoln has been waking up every 2-3 hours throughout the night. According to this book, within the next couple weeks he should be able to sleep through the night. I'll let you know how that goes!
Has anyone in blogworld read this book? Tried it???
Today I went to see Dr. Riely for my six week postpartum appointment. She said everything was great with me. I showed her a couple of Lincoln's bunny pictures and she said he was the cutest baby she's ever seen! Just kidding ... but I'm pretty sure she was thinking it. The best news I got from Dr. Riely was that she was very pleased with my weight loss. She said she wouldn't have me lose weight any quicker than I have ... and she really did say that, by the way :)
It's almost midnight. Lincoln is sleeping. I'm blogging and my husband is working out. What is wrong with us?! We should be sleeping! Goodnight!
We did Babywise with Isabella. It's pretty controversial with some folks, but you just have to be smart about it. Yes, I wanted a schedule but really, if my kid was hungry, I wouldn't deny her... The key was making sure she got full feedings at each feeding... Isabella started sleeping through the night around 10 weeks old and has been a GREAT sleeper her whole life. We were never rockers either so she taught herself to fall asleep on her own. So I'm all about a schedule! Good luck!
Read it when I had Pierce... it's a little "hard-core" in my opinion. The theory of laying your baby down while it's awake, is right on, that's the key to getting them to sleep without your assistance. Pierce was colicky so I just couldn't let him scream on and on. I hope it works for you. Lincolin is still little, but he'll get to sleeping thru soon!!!
I have never read the book and have always fed my babies on que. Even with Katrina who was exclusively formula fed. Braeleigh sleeps most nights four or five hours straight. That seems to work for me. I agree with Beth. Just remember not to take anything written in any book about babies to seriously. I know when my babies started sleeping through the night (Katrina at 6 weeks) I started to miss the time alone with them at night. Good Luck Guys, I do know it can be tiring.
I read it too and used it with discretion. I agreed with a whole lot in the book and just kind of ignored some other things! But, babies and mommies really do well with schedules! Just don't be too rigid! Have fun. Enjoy! (I can't really complain, though...Levi slept through the night at 2 weeks old. He slept 5 hours the 3rd night home!!)
I never read the book, but am interested if we have another. Cooper didn't start sleeping through the night till he was 6 months old, I would feed him when he woke up. Once my next reaches a certain weight and age, I will not make that same mistake. As long as you keep on a 3-4 hour schedule during the day, it doesn't take long for them to reach the point where they are getting all the calories in and do no not need that night time feed. Lincoln is still young so you have a few more weeks left. Once I stopped feeding at night and let him cry he was sleeping all night in just two nights. Good Luck!!! Once he gets there you will forget all about your sleepless nights.
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