Butterfly Sparks Designs

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Lincoln's one month checkup

Our visit to the pediatrician went great yesterday. Lincoln weighs 11.3 lbs. and is 22 3/4 inches long. That puts him in the 90th percentile for both height and weight. He's a big boy!

Our pediatrician also made the connection during our visit that we both go to Southeast and she loves reading the Outlook! When I told her that Chris was the Editor, she asked if he had written a column here recently that mentioned he was about to have a baby. I told her that he had mentioned in one of the columns he wrote about Theatair X that he would love to see it close because we were about to have a baby. She then told me that she had sent him an email regarding that column to let him know that she was a Pediatrician in Clarksville, and she felt the same way about Theatair X! I already liked her as a Pediatrician, but now I feel even better about her. It is so nice to know that she is a Christian who takes a stand.

By the way, we ended up going with Jill Howell as our Pediatrician because she got the most recommendations. I'm glad we chose her! Everything looks great with Lincoln. So all in all, it was a great visit!


Jami said...

Jill is great, isn't she? LOVE HER!!! We choose her due to the proximity of the office to where we live and where Cooper once went to daycare. Of course now it's hard not to want to take a quick stroll into Target everytime we go. It was great to "meet" you last night.

The Cox Family said...

Dr. Howell is a great ped. Maddie and Kenzie had her partner Patricia (her last name just slipped me) and when I was a kid, I had their other partner Theresa Ratterman, they really are a great group!

Theresa said...

I agree! We are happy with all of them..so personal :). I can't believe he is already a month..I think you understand how fast time goes by once you have your first baby....dontcha think?:)

Beth, Joshua and Isabella said...

I love Dr. Howell - have I mentioned that? I just made Isabella's 3 year appointment today. Both of her partners are great too - we've seen them for sick visits. Very patient. Way to Grow Lincoln!

BTW - I downloaded the whole Chris Tomlin CD with "I will rise' on it cause I couldn't get it out of my head!