Butterfly Sparks Designs

Sunday, May 31, 2009

funny findings

Chris and I went to the flea market on Saturday. While we were there we started playing a game---see who can find the most hideous unusual item.

zebra clock

old couple with wings

girl with long curly hair

fairy and dragon

hunter on deer

lover mug

bird baby

fat pants sign

boy taking a wiz

dog on bike

Elvis lamp

We put up a poll on the right so you can vote for the most hideous item. We did buy a few things that we liked. We bought an old wooden train, a hook for Lincoln's jackets, and a side table.


Laura Caruso said...

Haha! That is so funny, because Michael and I do the exact same thing! We really looove doing that!

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say the "fat pants" thing really isn't all that funny!!!!!!!!HaHa.....
Tina :)

The Tibbs World said...

All that stuff is probably worth a fortune on the Antique Road Show. :)

Anonymous said...

wat ia wrong with you?!?!