Kathy and Denny offered to keep Lincoln so we could have some alone time Friday night. We went to the movies to see Star Trek and loved it! We had a great time and I'm sure Lincoln did too.
We decided we would celebrate our anniversary on Saturday since Sunday was Mother's Day. We started off the day by taking Lincoln to the pediatrician because he hadn't had a bowel movement in almost 4 days. They told us to give him baby-lax (I'm sure you can guess what that is) and pear juice to help him go. So we did that and then we dropped him off at my parent's house :) My mom is convinced that we planned that.
After we left my parent's house, we drove to Madison. We ate lunch at a little place called Hinkles. It was very old fashioned ...
Chris put some quarters in the jukebox so we would have some music to listen to while we ate. He dedicated one of the songs to me :)
We spent the rest of our time in Madison looking in all of the shops and picking out presents for our moms. We left Madison, came home, got cleaned up, and headed to Louisville for dinner.
We ate at a neat place called August Moon. It was some of the best Chinese food I've ever had!
We picked up Lincoln and came home. We didn't keep the top of our wedding cake, so Chris surprised me by having Adrienne & Company recreate it! It was soo good.
We went to church Sunday morning. Lincoln wore his I Love Mommy shirt in honor of Mother's Day :) The sermon was about parenting. At one point, they asked everyone to raise their hand if their mother was the person who influenced them the most to become a Christian. Many hands went up, mine included, and it made me so thankful for my mom. I know lots of people say this, but I truly believe I have the best mom. I can't end this paragraph without saying that I love my mother-in-law too! Chris and I were both blessed with great moms.
We ate lunch at my parent's house and it was an awesome meal--steak, mushrooms, baked potato, rolls, and salad. My mom made a rhubard and strawberry pie for dessert and it was delicious too. In case you haven't caught on yet, we ate like pigs this weekend! We went home and then Kathy and Denny came over for awhile. If you're wondering what Rufus did on his birthday, he was with us the whole day and he went for a walk. My Aunt Tina bought him some doggy treats for his birthday too :)
We took a nap and then we ALL went to the grocery store ... well all of us expect for Rufus. Lincoln did great and actually seemed to enjoy it!
Although Lincoln was sporting his I love mommy shirt, he was not loving mommy, or anyone for that matter, too much on Sunday. We wanted to get a picture of me and him for Mother's Day, but these we're all we could get ...
We ended the night by watching our wedding video. I have felt so thankful this weekend. Thankful for our moms, thankful for a healthy beautiful baby, thankful that God chose me to be a mother, thankful for Rufus, and what I've felt most thankful for this weekend is my husband.
Chris--I love your shower singing, popcorn bowl hovering, talk radio listening, rodent fearing, late night exercising, all year sunscreen wearing, abortion hating, excessive hand washing, story retelling, Christ following, blended mocha drinking, water color painting, healthy eating, nervous scratching, paper doodling, carpet loathing, hard working ways. I love you so much.
Happy Anniversary Megan & Chris
I love Hinkles!!! They have awesome milkshakes.
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