Because he slept ALL NIGHT! Lincoln had his two month appointment with Dr. Howell on Monday. She suggested I start giving Lincoln two teaspoons of rice cereal as often as I give him a bottle. She thought it would help him keep his food down better and also make him feel more content after eating. I gave him his first bottle with cereal before he went to bed last night and he loved it. He went to bed at 11:00 p.m. and woke up at 8:30 this morning!! I felt a little panicky when I woke up this morning and realized he hadn't gotten up during the night. Chris and I tip toed into his room and he was sleeping on his side, (he had almost rolled over) sucking his thumb. It was so precious! I don't know if it's from the 9 1/2 hours of uninterruped sleep, but Lincoln and I are both feeling pretty happy today!
Just when I thought the day couldn't get any better, Chris surprised me by coming home and bringing me my favorite coffee! My husband is the sweetest.
Lincoln was happy to see his daddy.
At Lincoln's appointment we also found out that he weighs 12.8 lbs and is 24 inches long, putting him in the 75th percentile for weight and the 90th percentile for height! Chris and I both feel very strongly about delaying vaccinations and not giving combination shots. So I talked to Dr. Howell about our concerns and she was comfortable with putting him on an alternative schedule. We were very happy to hear that. Lincoln had to get a shot, but he did great. He just continued cooing as if nothing happened. All in all, it was a good appointment.
This is kind of random, but here are some pictures from this weekend that I forgot to post ...
We went to my grandparent's house for lunch on Saturday. Lincoln hung out with his Poppy most of the time.
Lincoln snuggling with his Uncle Josh ... who happened to get his braces off today :)
We had Chris Morgan over for dinner and then we went to a coffee shop called Quills.
While I'm on a roll with the randomness, I'd like to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my cousin Jon!
I loved surprising you and Lincoln today! I miss you both so much during the day that sometimes I can barely stand being away. I can't wait to see you!!! BTW, I love this post. Lincoln looks so sweet!
I have to agree with Chris on the pictures of Lincoln. He looks so sweet in the first pic. Sounds like you have had a great day and got caught up on some much needed sleep. I will be over to see you on Friday and I can't wait cause I don't plan on sharing Lincoln with anyone. I get him all to myself! YAY!!!
So Jealous! I can't wait until Elizabeth sleeps for five hours straight let alone 9 and a half. Way to go Linclon.
Quills is owned by the sister of one of my close friends at JJ (another 2nd grade teacher)! I haven't been there yet, but I've heard it's a neat place to go ... small world!
Good Job sleeping Lincoln- you made mommy & daddy very happy!
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