Lincoln turned 3 months old yesterday! Here's what's up with Lincoln ...
-You love your green softie.
-You pretty much hate riding in the car.
-You still love bath time.
-Dr. Howell said you could have pear juice and you LOVE it. You love your cereal bottle too.
-Your hair is really starting to come in. It's a light brown color, but there's a tiny hint of red to it when the sun hits it.
-You have some of the bluest eyes I've ever seen ... Dr. Howell thinks so too.
-You are really into your hands. You grab anything you can get ahold of and put it in your mouth.
-You are wearing 3 months and 3-6 months size clothes.
-You sleep through the night almost every night.
-You love being carried around outside.
-You have started laughing and it's the sweetest sound ever!
-You can roll over from you tummy to your back, and from your back to your tummy ... although you've only done that on our bed which happens to have a bit of a slope to it :)
-You are so happy in the mornings.
-You hate to go to sleep and you fight it until the very end. You definitely don't get that from me!
-Some people call you nosy because you love to look around and see what's going on ... we prefer to call you curious ;)
-You love for us to sing and talk to you. You especially love it when me and your daddy sing "You are my sunshine."
-You love standing on our legs while we hold you. You look so determined when you lock your legs.

Megan he is growing up so fast. I can't believe he is already 3 months.
pure cuteness!!!
Adorable! He is just precious!!
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