Butterfly Sparks Designs

Monday, July 13, 2009

Humptey Dumptey sat on a wall ...

Yesterday after church, we celebrated my mamaw Jones' and my cousin Kelsie's birthday. Lincoln was sporting his vest and bow tie. Some said he looked like Humptey Dumptey. I think he was just plain cute!

Me and Lincoln swinging

Lincoln was all smiles for his daddy

My brother Josh and his girlfriend, Brittany

Mom and Humptey Dumptey :)


AKat said...

Such a handsome little baby! I love his little outfit!

Beth, Joshua and Isabella said...

your mom is such a little hottie... :-)

Aunt Chrissy said...

Megan, the first pic of you and Lincoln is GREAT! You look sooo good! We sure did have some fun!