Butterfly Sparks Designs

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Lincoln express

Within the last couple weeks, Lincoln's personality has really started to show. He's constantly making sweet expressions, which we can't help but to photograph. Sometimes when he's feeling super happy he will do this face where he squints his eyes, presses his chin into his chest, shrugs his shoulders, and smiles real big with a little bit of his tongue hanging out. It's so sweet I can hardly stand it. I managed to capture a few of those moments today ...


Leigh Ann said...

I just cant get of enough of this boys face. I am so glad I have your blog so I can get my Lincoln fix every few hours. IM ADDICTED FOR LIFE!!!!!!!

Susie said...

He is so cute.

Anonymous said...

You better hide Lincoln because I'm going to eat him up when I get home! I love him to pieces!!!!


Jill said...

Just saw this post. What a handsome little boy. I saw that he was born Match 17th. Our boys are so close in age. You do an amazing job with your photographs. :-)

The Tibbs World said...

I have that same rocker, found it on the side of the road. Washed it and it works like new. Crazy!

jenndunc said...

i am laughing out loud. way to go mom with the camera!