We needed a pediatrician who would agree to continue Lincoln on the alternate vaccine schedule we chose for him. Chris found a website that listed all of the pediatricians in our area that are willing to work with you on vaccinations. Lincoln's new pediatrician, Dr. C, was listed on that website. So I made Lincoln an appointment, and we got to meet him yesterday. As soon as I arrived, I felt good about our decision. The staff was very kind and helpful. Every room was colorfully decorated. And then we got to meet Dr. C. Not only did he agree to continue Lincoln on his alternate vaccine schedule, but he actually preferred it! He didn't think we were coo coo for coco puffs for choosing not to give Lincoln a routine vaccination for a sexually transmitted diseases (Hepatitis B) when he was a few hours old. He doesn't think we are crazy for not wanting to give combination shots to a baby whose blood-brain barrier hasn't even closed. So, although we were very sad when we realized we were going to have to find a new pediatrician, it all worked out for the best.
Lincoln is grunting and getting red in the face as I type this. Both are signs that he's probably taking a poo. Not that you really wanted to know that. We didn't get much sleep last night ... anyways ...
Lincoln was in the 75th percentile for his height-a little over 25 inches.
And he was in the 10-15th percentile for his weight-12 lbs and 14 ounces. Because he was a little too skinny for Dr. C's liking, we started making plans of fattening up our little skinny minny.
Lincoln had met all of the milestones most babies his age have, and he met some of the milestones most babies don't reach for a couple more months! He's such a smart boy :)
Wow ... scratch what I said about Lincoln weighing 12 lbs 14 ounces. I just changed his diaper, and after that mother load he has to weigh at least a pound less.
Dr. C said that Lincoln should be sleeping about 5-6 hours during the day. I told him I was lucky if he slept 30 minutes during the day! I guess I'm going to have to work on that. I'm not sure how you're supposed to get a power napper to sleep 5-6 hours. Do you?
What a cutie! I have to come visit him in person soon. When I have a baby you'll have to chat with me about the vaccine info. I want to know more about that. Oh and Jami and I were talking about how good your pictures are....what kind of camera do you have???
Cooper was a power napper for the first 7 months... 20 minutes here, 30 minutes there... it was exhausting. When he was only a few months old everyone would aslk why I didn't sleep when he did during the day, it's b/c as soon as I would lay down he would wake up. Rest assured, it went away. About 7 months old he started taking 2 regular naps which finally dwinled to 1 awesome nap. Today it is nearing 2 1/2 hours and still going strong.
Hi Karen! You can come visit any time! The camera I'm using is a Canon Rebel. I got it for my birthday and I love it!
ps. I would love to chat with you about vaccines when you have a baby! You are going to love being a mom :)
You must have posted a comment as I was responding to Karen's comment. Cooper and Lincoln have at least one thing in common! After I read your comment I started daydreaming about all of the things I could get done in 2 1/2 hours. ha! Just a few more months of power napping ... hopefully.
The only problem is now I am tempted to take a nap everyday! So who is Dr C? Steve works for Kindred and they are supposed to be switching from Anthem to United as of Aug 1st, but we haven't heard anything official. I have put off leaving Dr Howell's office until we know for sure, I'm still holding out that we don't have to change.
Megan - Levi did the same thing too! Little naps. Everyone talks about newborns and how they slept all the time!! Not my kid. I felt like I was doing something wrong. But, when he was around 6 months old, I would let him cry it out for a while after he would wake up and sometimes he would fall right back to sleep. Those 20 minute naps became 30, 45 minute naps and eventually he just started sleeping for an hour at a time. At 18 months, we merged him into one nap and since then he's slept 3 hours in the afternoon. Hold out hope!!! :)
Interesting - Shawn, April and I were talking about vaccines over family dinner on Sunday. I'm going to forward them your post!
We are totally on the same page with our kids. Vaccines are important, but not at the crazy amount that they give them now a days. We've been so blessed because Dr. Godsey has supported us 100% on our delaying vaccines since Brooklyn was born.
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