-You love your Baby Einstein video
-You love being carried around outside
-You have 3 meals a day. I usually give you cereal mixed with some kind of fruit for breakfast, a veggie for lunch, and plain cereal before bed. I think we've pretty much introduced everything except for prunes. You're a great eater!
-Your favorite part of the day is bath time!
-Here lately you've started doing this thing where you fake cough and then you smile. It's so cute! We think we're getting a glimpse of what's to come once you start school.
-You are still in a size 2 diaper but I don't think you'll be wearing those much longer. You're growing like a weed!
-You are mostly wearing 6 months size clothes.
-You love your exersaucer. I love you exersaucer.
-You have mastered rolling both ways.
-You enjoy power napping---nothing longer than 20 minutes :)
-You're happiest in the morning.
-You act like it's the end of the world when you're bottle is empty.
-You love your binkey.
-You laugh at some of the craziest things. The other day I was singing the Hakuna Matata song from the Lion King and you were belly laughing. You also get tickled to death when you pinch me or pull my hair and I say "Ouch!"
-I have a feeling you're going to be crawling before I know it. You push up with your arms so good now!
-You've grown so much this month!
Sweet post! Seeing these new photos of my beautiful baby brightened my day! Now ... if only I had new photos of my MOST BEAUTIFUL WIFE. Sigh.
Love you sugie.
He is precious! I'll have to talk to you once I start feeding Kade veggies, etc. I saw you make your own and I plan on doing that, too! Lincoln is a cutie!
He is such a cutie Megan.
I loved the pics Meg but I loved Chris' comment so much more. You are blessed to have a husband who would say that about you. Thanks for all you did for my blog today! I love you bunches!!!
Megan I wanted first to tell you how sweet it was for you and Chris to send that precious out fit for Braeleigh. I had also wanted to send something to you and did not know how to get your address. Lincoln is so sweet.
it's funny that you say he likes to take power naps because that is the same thing Braeleigh does. Somedays she takes no nap at all.
He is getting so big! It is funny how just 4 months ago he was smaller than that teddy bear. I copied off of you and I took a picture of Jayden next to his teddy bear at a month old too. That was a great idea to see how much they really do grow each month. I think because we see them everyday we don't notice them growing as much as everyone else.
I was wondering how old was Lincoln when you moved him from the bassinet to his crib? I'm dreading the day we have to move Jayden, but I know it needs to be done at some point.
Ok, I have to comment some more, because I really like this song on your play list! Ha! MY GRACIOUS, Lincoln grew SO much in the past month. He looks so much longer!
Im loving this picture. He looks so laid back.......
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