Butterfly Sparks Designs

Friday, August 21, 2009

for my mom's your enjoyment

Here's a picture of Lincoln while I'm working on another post. I'm afraid if I didn't post this, my mom might kill me. Seriously, I've been receiving death threats via email and telephone. She hasn't seen a picture of Lincoln since Tuesday!


Leigh Ann said...

Its about stinking time, you slacker!!!!!! His face is just so addicting....Cant wait to have him all to myself tonight....


Anonymous said...

Great photo and AWESOME photo editing!

How in the world did I end up with such a super creative, multi-talented woman?????



Taurman Inc. said...

What a beautiful Picture of Lincoln.

Jami said...

Megan, that is an awesome picture!!! This looks professional. If you want practice you are more than welcome to come take pictures of Cooper.

chris and megan said...

Thanks Jami! I would love to come take pictures of Cooper! I'm hoping to eventually get more into photography. So I will take all the practice I can get! I will email you so we can set this up!

The Tibbs World said...

Okay, I have Adobe Photoshop and don't know a thing about it. If you could teach me a few I would so appreciate it.

The Bullington's said...

You should put that pic in a cutest baby contest. I think they have one at the Harvest Homecoming. He is such a cutie. Great job on the picture.

Mrs. Wesely said...

I was going to comment on how awesome the picture is....everyone beat me to it. You really do have a talent with the pictures. :)

Jill said...

Ditto on all the comments. You take AMAZING pic! :-D