I loved everything about being pregnant. Well, everything except for the excessive swelling, broken tailbone, and 50+ pounds I gained. Yes, you read that correctly. 50+ pounds. How do you gain 50 pounds during pregnancy, you might ask? Well, let me break it down for you ...
Blood---3 lbs
Breasts---2 lbs
Womb---2 lbs
Placenta---2 lbs
Amniotic Fluid---2 lbs
Fat, protein, and other nutrients---7 lbs
Retained water---5 lbs ... although I'm pretty sure my water retention was something more like 10 lbs :)
Shoveling food down my throat like an uncontrollable pig---17 lbs
It's been about five and a half months since I gave birth to Lincoln. I've lost a little over forty pounds, and now it's time for damage control. It's time for me to lose the last bit of my "baby weight".
I've heard that being accountable with someone while trying to lose weight is a key factor in having success. And in my experience, I've known that to be true. So I'm going to get accountable ... with everyone in blogworld. You will be expecting big changes, and I will be motivated to deliver.
I'm sure many of you have heard of the Jillian Michael's Shred workout video. The actual workout is about twenty minutes long, but it's very intense. Jillian Michael's claims that if you do her Shred video every day and eat healthy, you can lose 20 pounds in 30 days. So that's the challenge---I'm going to do her video and eat healthy for 30 days and see what happens.
You are more than welcome to join me in this weight loss challenge. I will be updating you on my progress every Wednesday.
By the way---as I was writing this blog post, Chris informed me that I was fat ... p-h-a-t fat. PrettyHotAndTempting. Wow ... :)
Megan, you are my soul mate, ha! I have The Shred by the DVD player right now, preparing for Day 1 tomorrow morning. I also started a blog http://www.themarathonomom.blogspot.com
to stay accountable...feel free to join! PHAT. HA!!! That's hilarious.
Good Luck Megan. That is good that you already got a head start with loosing 40 lbs already. Great job.
I would love to do this challenge with you although it is a challenge for me to even fix breakfast or lunch for myself let alone exercise. lol.
Can't wait to see how you do. It might give me hope for the future:)
You are motivation for me! I had such good intentions this summer. I checked out the book "Flat Belly Diet" and read the whole thing ...that's as far as I got! I guess reading about losing weight just isn't enough!;)I'm just not a dieter. There's too many foods I love and too many that I don't like. I've always said that, for me, exercise is the way to go. Tony and I have been occasionally running a mile, and I do the elliptical fairly faithful, but that's about it. I might have to look into this DVD that you mentioned.
You really are a motivator! I still need to lose my extra weight from Jordan...(: You look fantastic just the way you are!!!! Love ya! Tina
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