I'm sorry this post is coming so late. In my defense, it's 10:27 p.m. and it's still Wednesday! I had plans of writing this post early this morning, but things don't always go according to plan, do they? Remember my viral laryngitis? I warned Chris to stay away but he simply couldn't keep his hands off me ;) In all seriousness, we thought I just had really bad allergies the first two days I was sick, and we weren't as careful with the germs as we should have been. Needless to say, Chris got sick. So my sweet sickly husband stayed home from work today.
Up till last night, we thought Lincoln had avoided the sickness but then his nose started to run. He woke up this morning sick as a dog. Sick as a dog. What does that even mean? Sick with an uncontrollable desire to chase squirrels? I digress. Lincoln woke up feeling very sick. I took him to see Dr. C and they tested him for strep throat and A H1N1 (swine flu). But as we suspected, he doesn't have either of those. He has viral laryngitits. Poor baby. All we can do is give him Tylenol drops every four hours and pray for it to go away quickly. Dr. C predicts 5 days. Yikes.
As you can see, I was far too busy taking care of my two sweeties to write this post this morning. On to my weight loss progress---so far, so good. I started Monday morning and I've lost 1.5 pounds. It might not seem like a lot, but I think 1.5 pounds in 2 days is pretty darn good, if I do say so myself. That's as much of an update as I'm going to give tonight, because my honey is waiting on me to join him in watching our latest library movie rental, The Cosby Show Season 1. hee hee, snort More on that later ...
First Bats Game of the season
2 years ago
if you want to borrow seasons 2, 3 or 4, just ask me or Brian!
OH MY GOSH, Megan! We had to take Neil to the pediatrician today, too! I was so scared it was swine flu! Praise the Lord it's just a sore throat. She told us to get a Nose Frida (google it, it's gross!) and tylenol every 4 hours, too... Seeing him sick is the most pathetic thing ever. I will pray little Lincoln makes a quick recovery, too. Bless their little hearts... Yours, too! Get better soon!!!
It is very tough to focus on weight-loss and exercise when all your energy is going toward comforting a sick baby and husband. (Moms always put their sickness on the back burner. This is what we do) Soooooo, you go girl on your weight loss. BTW You look beautiful just the way you are but for your satisfaction.....Keep up the good work. I hope my babies all get well soon.
p.s. I will pray for Neil too....
Mom- I'm pretty sure I must have left myself signed into my blog account on your computer the other day. ha! I couldn't figure out how "Chris and Megan" had left the comment written by "Mom"! I guess that explains it :) Love you!
Anna- I'm so sorry Neil is sick too! We don't have a Nosefrida, but we do have something similar that we refer to as the boogey sucker. And we've been using it like crazy the past couple days. Yuck! We will be praying for Neil.
Hope all will start feeling better soon. It is nothing worse when everyone is sick in the house.
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