Megan and I have reached a whole new level in our attempts to be frugal. We're now getting our entertainment from the New Albany public library. I wish I could say we came home with a stack of books. The closest we came to that was going down the aisle of books on tape. And we kept going right to the videos. We came home with "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington." Classic. And the complete first season of The Cosby Show. Also, classic.
We just finished with Cosby and loved it. It was hilarious and clean. And did I mention free? We're planning on going back for many more freebies and thought everyone in blog world might want to know that the library has good videos. I also hear they have books :)
Thank you for the wonderful tip! I too love freebies.
The Cosby Show has to be my favorite show of ALL TIME! Classic, clean, and hilarious? Nailed it.
Ha ha - I do feel a bit guilty walking out of the library with DVDs! But I've been getting several on Friday nights for the weekends. Love saving the money!!
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