Your favorite foods right now are green beans, oatmeal raisin granola, oatmeal cinnamon, apple vanilla, sweet potatoes, and apples and blueberries.
You said your first word on 10/16/09---Dadda. Today you said "Momma". It melts our hearts to hear you say our names, although we're pretty sure you have no idea what they mean. You've also been saying "Bah Bah" a lot, and we're thinking it's because everyone is always trying to teach you "Bye Bye". Now that you've learned these words, you won't stop saying them! So far, you've said all of these to your Uncle Josh, Brittany, Mimi, Poppy, and Granny!
You're working on crawling. You get up on all fours and rock back and forth a lot. You've even crawled a few steps ... backwards. We should have known you wouldn't go forward, right?!

You continue to hate going to sleep. We didn't know a baby (or adult) could function on such little amount of sleep!
You still like your exersaucer and Johnny Jump Up. We retired your Bumbo this week.
You've really found your voice this month and you're proud of it! If you're not talking, you're yelling, or grunting at us.

You love having your back rubbed.
When you get really excited you clench your fists, open your mouth really wide, and shake all over. It's one of the funniest things we've ever seen.
You are starting to experience some separation anxiety. If we leave you by yourself for even a second, you start to panic. We're working on that!

You LOVE bath time! It's by far your favorite pastime.
Sometimes when people talk to you, you smile and turn away like you're shy. It's sooo cute!
You do not like being put in your stroller. At all.

You love being outside and even more than that, you love being carried around outside :)
You can't go to sleep without us bouncing you on the big blue exercise ball.
You love playing "Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker's man".

You are wearing a size 3 diaper, but you may be moving up a size very soon.
You love when we sing "The Itsy Bitsy Spider".
You wear size 12 months in clothes.
We love you so so much, baby boy!

He is getting so big. I ask myself the same thing. where does time go?
cute pics and better yet, cute baby
He is sooooo handsome Megan! Time is flying by so quickly and before you know it he will be staying the night at Aunt Chrissy's house!!! hehehe...I think he will like it out here in the country.
Go Lincoln! I can't wait to hear Kade's first "words". Precious. I love reading Lincoln's monthly posts. Kade and Lincoln seem so much alike in many ways. It cracks me up. :-)
What a gift from God! Wow, Lincoln is the most beautiful little fellow!! I can't wait to see him at Christmas! Instead of passing the gifts . . . just pass me LINCOLN!! I'll watch him the whole time I'm in so you can go do whatever you want! Love you, jenny
I read this, why didn't I comment?!?? Ok, two are our guys getting so old? And two, Lincoln has grown, like, a foot. He looks so big! And his little pants are like Neil's - highwaters. Ha! Adorable little striped jacket and great pics.
Sorry, I just left a ton of comments. I had to catch up!
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