Butterfly Sparks Designs

Sunday, November 29, 2009

love it or hate it

Fruitcake. You either love it or your hate it. I personally hate it. Although, I hear something magical will happen to my taste buds in about twenty years causing me to crave fruitcake every Thanksgiving and Christmas. I'm doubtful ...

What do you think? Do you love it or hate it? Or are you somewhere in the middle?



AKat said...

Hate it!!!

ginmommy said...

Dare I admit this??? Here goes...I love it. Shew, it's out there now. I feel better.

Rena' said...

I hate it, and it hasn't enticed me yet at 40. How much longer do I
have before it gets me? I'm scared.

Jami said...

Never had it, never want to try it. Although my mom does make a fruit cocktail cake, totally different and totally wonderful. I just know instaed of water and oil, she uses the juice from whatever fruit she puts in it. SO TASTEY!!!!

Tracey said...

Never had it! Not really sure I want to!

Jill said...

Ooh. . . not a fan. Definitely not a fan.

Susie said...

Hate it. Getting near 50 years old and still haven't grown to like it.

Rachel said...


Jason & Michelle said...

I used to hate it, but if I can find one that's moist enough and not so sweet that the first bite makes you want to gag, I like it! My mother in law used to always give me the one she got at work at Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Love it!


Leigh Ann said...

Hated fruitcake up until about 10 years ago. Now I love it. It must be a sign that Im getting OLD! Something else I didn't like growing up was nuts, any nuts. Now I love them! Especially unsalted peanuts in the shell that you have to work really hard to enjoy (and they make a huge mess). AND......this year Ive discovered I love the hard candy mix that my grandparents always kept in a bowl. You know the kind that has all colors and neat designs in the middle. I know ribbon candy will be next. OH MY GOODNESS!!!! What will be after that? HELP!

Anonymous said...

I don't know if liking fruit cake is a sign of old age but I am quite certain that saying "oh my goodness" is !!!! Hello!!!