Buy an avocado. You can find them in the fresh produce section at just about any grocery store. You're going to want one that is ripe so make sure you buy one that is very dark green (or sometimes kind of purplish). Some stores even put a sticker on the ripe avocados that says, "RIPE." See, I told you this was simple. The last thing you want to check before you buy the avocado is it's firmness. You want an avocado that has a firm flesh, but gives a little when you squeeze.

Cut into the avocado and peel away the skin.

You'll find a big seed in the center.

Put the avocado into a blender, magic bullet, food processor, or whatever and add a banana. You'll also want to add a little water too. How much water you add depends on the consistency you want. The more you add the thinner it is.

Serve immediately or save it for later. You make the rules!

Another one of Lincoln's favorite things is the touch and feel book his aunt Tina bought him, B Is For Bear. So after I get him nice and full of avocado and bananas, I like to read him his favorite book. And if I'm lucky, after that he takes nap!

I just tried diced avocados with Neil and he was smitten! I was about to stick them in a blender, but since the avocado was soft, I just gave him a small, mushy piece and he was in heaven.
I'll maybe try just barely puree-ing some with a little banana! Great idea. Does it freeze well, or have you tried that?
I will have to try this! Kade loves bananas and he loves avocados. I've never thought about putting them together. Thanks for the tip! ;-)
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