You love to eat. Your favorite foods are green beans, avocado with banana, sweet potato, apple vanilla, and raisin oatmeal granola. Your little feet kick out of excitement the entire time we feed you.
You are wearing a size 4 diaper.
You stayed the night away from home for the first time when we went to NYC this month. You did great and I'm pretty sure you didn't even miss us!
You are smart. You are so curious and it seems like you are constantly taking things in and learning.
You love it when we count 1, 2, and then toss you into the air at 3!
You are getting tons of hair! The color is still a mystery. Somedays we think your hair looks light brown, other days we think it's blonde, and occasionally we see it in the sunlight and think it might be strawberry blonde! Who knows ... We do know that it's beautiful.
You love your walker. But more than that, you love chasing Rufus in your walker. Seriously you run after him. And he hates it.
You are the happiest baby. You belly laugh all the time and it's usually over the most simple thing.
At your doctor's appointment two weeks ago, you weighed 22 pounds.
You are wearing 12 and 18 months clothes.
You LOVE the touchy feely book your aunt Tina bought you. We read it to you about 5 times a day.
You are a pro at crawling backwards but when you go forwards it looks more like an army crawl than actual crawling.
You can wave goodbye now, but you pick and choose when you're going to do it!
You love giving kisses. When we ask for a kiss you open your mouth as wide as possible and reach your hands out to our face.
You LOVE music. Your favorite songs are The Itsy Bitsy Spider, The B-I-B-L-E song, and You Are My Sunshine.
You are talking non-stop now. You say Dadda, Momma, and Bah Bah all the time!
You love having your back rubbed, your face tickled, and your head scratched. Who wouldn't love that?!
Your eyes look more blue every day.
You love bath time.
You love playing Peek-a-Boo and Pat-a-cake.
Here's Lincoln at 6,7, and 8 months. He's changed so much!

AH! My heart can't take it! He's getting too old. Too precious. Too big boy and not itsy baby anymore.
I want to freeze time.
But I'm loving the (daily) changes, too, so I am torn.
Happy 8 months, Lincoln!
I can tell you're such a smart and happy baby. And you grew hair this month! Wowsers.
What a beautiful baby boy you are. Beautiful on the inside and the outside. God is going to certainly bless your life with all the prayers going out to you. Thank you Chris and Megan for blessing all of our lives with such wonder.............
What a sweetie, oh my he is so super precious. I was thinking that his hair looked a little red in this 8 month picture.
Wow, he is his daddy's boy. His 8th month picture looks exactly like Chris.
Oh, I love those pigs (feet)! Too, too sweet. And the plaid shirt? Cutie ptutie. Seeing Lincoln's hair give me some hope. My little man is still pretty bald!
What a doll!!!! Love the blue eyes and plaid shirt.
He is growing up so fast. He is such a cutie.
I love me some baby feet!!!!! Oh, and don't you just love the deep belly laughs? :)
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