Your favorite foods are avocado with banana, banana and strawberry with tapioca, and lasagna.
You are wearing a size 4 diaper.
You love playing hide and seek and Pat-a-cake!
You weigh 23 pounds.
You have two teeth. You've been teething so bad this month. You have 3 teeth on top that are about to come through.
You still love music. Your favorite song is a song created by your Poppy King---The Ding Ding song. He's been singing that song for as long as I can remember!
You make this face when you are super excited. You clench your fists and sometimes you shake all over. It's so cute!

You are wearing 18 months size clothes.
We just started giving you Zesty Tomato Crunchies and you love them. You would eat the entire can if we let you.
You love hygiene maitenance! You love for me to clip your nails, brush your teeth, clean your ears, brush your hair, etc. It is absolutely hilarious.
You still love your B Is For Bear touch and feel book. You love the page with the "ducklings covered in down" and the page with the red ball of yarn.
You are crawling all over the place.
You love watching Praise Baby and Enchanted in the morning. Although, you are not a big fan of Baby Einstein. At all.

One of your favorite pastimes is tormenting Rufus. You chase him (literally) when you're in your walker. On occasion Rufus will try to give you a kiss. You make the most hilarious face where you close your eyes, as shown above.
You have started pulling up on things.
You think your Mimi is hilarious. She doesn't have to do much, and you're rolling on the floor. You love wacky things and she's willing to deliver :)
You LOVE splashing in the bathtub!
You have your daddy's eyes and nose, and your Poppy's chin. No doubt about it.
You can wave goodbye.
You say Momma, Dadda, Bah Bah (Bye Bye), and here lately you've been obsessed with making the letter "K" sound. Kuh! You make the cutest face when you say Momma.

***The super cute pajamas Lincoln's sporting was a gift from his Mimi and Poppy! Thanks!!
This was my attempt at Lincoln's classic monthly photo. I put the bear next to him. He grabbed it and started slam-dunking him over and over with the most excited look on his face. Oh boy.

ADORABLE!!!! We love you so much Mr. Lincoln. Happy 9 months
He is growing up so fast. He is adorable.
You did a great job with this post!!! I can't wait to sing Happy Birthday to my little boy! Love you, Chris.
Oh! I love these pics. This time IS fleeting, isn't it?! I had to laugh about the stuffed bear. Kade does the same thing now during his monthly pics. Boys. ;)
smooch smooch smooches for Lincoln when Mike and I see you!!!! You are gonna get so much lovin'
What a beautiful, handsome, gorgeous boy you are!!! We love you!
What a darling boy ;)
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