We spent the evening at the McKain's last night. We spent a good portion of our time together giggling at Jill hand feeding Lincoln her cheerios. Adam sent us this picture from his cell. And so it begins ...
You tell my baby boy to stay from those girls. They're nothing but trouble. Trust these words of wisdom!!!!
Lincoln's got a girlfriend!!!! I love the picture! They are so adorable!! How sweet! I can't wait to see him this week. I'm going to smooch him to pieces!!! Love ya!
You tell my baby boy to stay from those girls. They're nothing but trouble. Trust these words of wisdom!!!!
I will not show this to Braeleigh as I am sure she would flip :)
Lincoln's got a girlfriend!!!! I love the picture! They are so adorable!! How sweet! I can't wait to see him this week. I'm going to smooch him to pieces!!! Love ya!
Poppy is right about one thing. . . girls are trouble BUT the boys sure do love us!!! hahahaha!!!
How adorable! Does it not just break your heart just a little bit?! ;)
This is great!!!
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