You weigh around 27 pounds and you are 34 inches long, putting you in the 97th percent for you height and then 75th percent for your weight!
You are barely squeezing into your 2T clothes.
Your Granny Birke had your foot measured at Dillards last week, and they said because of your extremely wide foot you should be wearing a size 8 shoe. We're still trying to wrap our minds around that one.
Your favorite video is Sesame Street's Kids Favorite Songs 2.
You have the prettiest blue eyes.
You hate wearing shoes. You take them off just as soon as we put them on.
Your favorite books are Puppies & Kittens, and Puppies & Friends. Basically you love any books with puppies or kittens in them :)
You are wearing a size 5 diaper.
We've started introducing you to potty training. So far, you love to flush the toilet, but you're not real crazy about sitting on the toilet :)
Your favorite songs are If You're Happy and You Know It, The Wheels on the Bus, ABC's, and He's Got The Whole World In His Hands.
As of just a couple days ago, if I point at my nose and say "Nose!", you will point at yours!
Your hair is getting blonder every day. It's pretty straight all over, and then it curls up on the ends. It's so precious!
You love music and you love to dance.
You have 14 teeth.
You are jibber jabbering 24-7. You are so confident when you jibber jabber ... as if you're speaking your own language!
Some new words you've started saying are: this, hot, and kiki (kitty).
You are having some issues with not liking to be controlled. For instance, you will only cooperate during a diaper change if we allow you to choose the place on the floor you're going to lay for the diaper change. The other day at Mimi & Poppy's house, you wouldn't eat unless you were the one feeding yourself with a fork. We have a feeling we are going to have our hands full with you!
You are a cell phone genius. You can call people, change my ringtones & wallpaper, set my alarm clock, and save text drafts. Your most recent text draft reads, "3?9566." I wonder who you are planning on sending that to? :)
You love playing with Poppy & Mimi's alarm clock and listening to the noise (aka the most annoying sound in the world).
We love you so much, Lincoln Michael.
Love those curls! We went through the same things with Cooper on diaper changes. I can remember one day I almost called Karen to come over and help me because I could not get him to sit still. Luckily it was just a phase, hopefully yours passes quickly too.
Lincoln you are so gorgeous!! And you have the best mommy and daddy ever!! That was just too sweet for me to take in!! By the way, I think he was going to send that text to me!!! How adorable and sweet!! God has blessed you with a beautiful and precious family!!
Love you all sooooo much!
He is such a cutie!! He is growing up so fast.
Kade and Lincoln sound so much alike on their preferences. I had to smile. And we're definitely noticing issues on the whole "not wanting to be controlled" thing. Boys! Boys! Boys!
We'll have to get those two together.
I love Lincoln!!! He and Neil are true cyber brothers with their big size and big feet! My mom found Neil some size 7 wides Nikes at Academy, and when we put them on, I could just tell they must have been comfortable for him. He was running and dashing about and laughing. Makes me feel like his old ones hurt, poor baby!
Megan, I wanted to see you guys sooo badly, but my mom is in GA and I ended up leaving from Houston. I just felt so terrible, but I didn't know what else I could've done. SIGH.
I just LOVE seeing Lincoln so grown up, and this picture of him is one of my favorites! Y'all are doing so great with him. I can tell he's a loved kiddo!
Has your mom found any other places to buy cute john johns or smocked items?!!?
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