You are wearing mostly size 3T in clothes.
Your favorite books are Trick or Treat with Elmo and B is for Bear.
You LOVE Sesame Steet. Veggie Tales is a close second.
Your favorite songs are I Heard My Dog Bark, The Wheels On The Bus, BINGO, Let's Take A Ride In Automobile.
You are wearing a size 5 diaper.
You are a great imitator. Your daddy and I always eat the whipped cream off of our starbucks drink with a straw. A lot of times we will get you a vanilla milk while we're there, and you too eat your imaginary whipped cream off of your milk with a straw.

You weigh 31 pounds and are 34 inches long!
You enjoy hiding things. Your favorite spots to hide things are in your bookshelf, the closet, and the bottom drawer in our nightstand.
You hop everywhere.
You are a dancing machine!
You can point to your nose and your eyes when I ask you where they are.
You love to swing at Poppy and Mimi's house.
You are very curious.

You added a new word to your vocabulary this week---juice!
Bedtime is around 8:30 and you sleep till about 7-7:30.
You can feed yourself with utensils! You hate it when we feed you now. Sometimes you even go as far as to refuse food if you can't do it yourself.
You can tell us what sounds a cow and a dog make.
You've been attending nursery while me and Mimi go to Bible Study, and on Sunday mornings during church. You've made some friends too! Mommy and Mimi worked the nursery on Sunday and you spent most of your time hugging and on some occasions kissing, Jill, Alex, and Kandon.
You love your daddy and you go completely insane with happiness when he gets home from work.

You love being outside. You could stay outside all day! We took you on a trail at the Charlestown State Park, and we've been referring to you as Wilderness Baby ever since. You high fived the grass, raised your arms way up in the air everytime the wind blew, stirred dirt with a stick, and petted the trees. You are hilarious, Lincoln Michael.
You love your Uncle Josh and you yell for him constantly ... even when we are at home, and you know he isn't here.
You love playing hide and seek.
Your favorite toys are your mailbox, Elmo, hairbrushes, balls, and your Sesame Street remote.
We bought you a special potty that looks like a frog and you love it! You like to sit on it while drinking your sippy cup. You have yet to pee in it.

Thanks Megan for giving the blogworld a taste of Lincoln's sweetness. This is absolutely just what I needed at this moment....Love you
Wow,what a big boy Lincoln is becoming. So handsome:)
He is getting so big and adorable.
You are the best mommy ever!!! He is soooo adorably cute and I can't wait to squeeze his cheeks and smooch him all the time!!! We love you all so much!
Oh my word, I love Lincoln! I love how he and Neil are so similiar. I think it's almost time for them to become penpals...Neil's a fantastic scribbler now. Haha! How are YOU? Let's talk SOON! I am SO HAPPY you updated. It brings me great joy to see Lincoln's happy face. He's just the cutest! I love him!!!
Megan he is sooooo cute. I'm glad you've updated I was missing your wonderful pictures!
What a an adorable boy you guys have!!!! :-)
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