Butterfly Sparks Designs

Monday, November 29, 2010

Here Comes Santa Claus

We took Lincoln to the Bass Pro Shop so he could meet Sandy Claws :) I'll let the pictures do the rest of the talking ...


Susie said...

So sweet!! He is getting so big!!

ginmommy said...

Too cute!!! My kiddos are 6 and 3 and would still act like that ;-) I think those make the cutest pics!!!

Jami said...

I love the middle picture.

Ginny said...

My dad was the Santa there until this year, too bad, I would liked to have seen that picture. Lincoln is sooo big!

Jill said...

Bless his heart. We haven't tried this yet. You captured it all so well! Love his precious expressions. :)

Tracey said...

So cute!!!!!! :)

Rachel said...

Ha ha ha ha ha! Probably scary for him but he'll get over it and you will always have the pictures! So funny!