Butterfly Sparks Designs

Monday, November 29, 2010

our lives according to facebook

November 27 - Christopher Birke The Birke Thanksgiving celebration was the best ever! Lots of GREAT memories made that day! Looking forward to Christmas! Special thanks to Chef Megan Birke who makes Martha Stewart look like a loser.

November 25 - Christopher Birke VERY thankful for a great Thanksgiving Day! My inlaws provided us with a gourmet feast and sent us home with some holiday movie classics! Tomorrow we'll have Thanksgiving II with my side of the fam. Megan made a bunch of side dishes tonight and they look and smell AMAZING!!!

November 24 - Megan Birke would pay big bucks if starbucks delivered today...

November 22 - Christopher Birke Super proud of the CIC youth group. Many of them have read through the book of Matthew this month. What a GREAT group of teens!

November 13 - Megan Birke was doing some cleaning and had movies spread all over the floor. Lincoln pointed at Amy Adams on the cover of Enchanted and said "Momma!" over and over again. Haven't stopped laughing :)

November 12 - Megan Birke loves the weekend

November 11 - Christopher Birke I'm ready for Thanksgiving because I've been thinking a lot about what I'm thankful for ... my beautiful, godly wife; son; nieces and nephews; awesome parents; and very loving church family ... And most of all ... my Savior, Jesus!

November 3 - Megan Birke day date with Laura!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the great information! I would not have discovered this otherwise!.