You LOVE Sesame Street with all your heart. You would watch it all day long if we would let you. You typically have a meltdown when the show ends. There's lots of crying and gnashing of teeth involved.
You sing and dance all the time! Your favorite songs to sing right now are Elmo's Song, I Love You, This Little Light of Mine, and We Make Music.
You have such a tender heart. You love to give hugs and kisses. You especially love to give group hugs to mommy and daddy. The look on your face when we do group hugs is priceless.
Your favorite book right now is Goodnight, Moon.
You LOVE Rufus and you call him Roo. You do this thing where you look at Rufus with pure love and joy in your eyes and then you say, "Oh, Roo..." It is hilarious!
You've started referring to Daddy as Chris. We are trying to break that habit but it's just soo cute! When Daddy comes in to see you in the morning he says, "Hi Lincoln!" And you reply, "Hi, Chris!"

You are talking non-stop! The word we've been hearing most here lately---"MORE!!!!" :)
You enjoy going to nursery at church. You don't cry for me when I drop you off, but you sure are happy when I pick you up.
Mommy rocks you to sleep every night and sings "You Are My Sunshine." Sometimes you sing it too.
You can identify your toes, hands, nose, mouth, ears, hair, tongue, teeth, and belly.
You rarely take naps anymore.
You LOVE to eat! We've started noticing that your likes and dislikes in food are the exact same as daddy's :)
We love you to the moon and back, baby boy!
I can't believe how big he has gotten. He is losing that baby look and starting to look like a little boy. He's precious!
He is adorable! Getting sooo big! I love that you still rock him to sleep. ;)
OHHHHH!! Thank you!!! I love the pictures!! He is so gorgeous!!! I loved the video! It's good to know that cleaning still runs in the family!!! ha ha!! Thanks for the pictures!!!
He is so cute and handsome. He is growing up to be a little boy not a baby any more.
he is GORGEOUS you guys!!
Is that a picture of Chris or Lincoln:)
Awww, what a cutypie! Tell Lincoln I still have my on him (;
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