Our family just got over the worst stomach bug EVER! It started Saturday morning. Our church was having a clean up day and I had signed up to disinfect the toys in the nursery and toddler room. As I was sanitizing the toys (more like infecting them) Lincoln started puking all over the place. I cleaned up and we left. Lincoln puked in our car on the way home too.
I was sick with the stomach bug all night on Saturday. I decided not to go to church, but felt much better on Sunday. By the time Chris got home Sunday night, we were both feeling awful. I told Chris, "Surely I'm not gonna get sick again..." Boy, was I wrong. Chris and I spent the entire night taking turns puking our guts out in the bathroom. We only had one bathroom available because our other bathroom is currently under remodeling. Lets just say it was a crazzzy night at the Birke house.
Chris puked AT LEAST 15 times. It was awful. The low point of the night was when I looked down the hallway from our couch and Chris was crawling to the bathroom with his bucket in hand. We have laughed till we hurt talking about Sunday night but at the time it was sooo not funny.
Before it was all said and done, we had passed on the sickness to my poor momma as well.
We are all doing much better now :) I'm not really sure why I just typed out this long post about vomit ... oh well, there it is.
That sounded horrible!! Glad everyone is feeling better now!!
Vomit is the worst!!! It's the worst feeling E-VER. Glad you are better now :-)
Hee Hee!! You are so funny!! Sick, but funny!!! The picture of the poor kitty is the worst or is it the picture of Chris crawling to the bathroom with his puke buckey?!!!! That's awful!!
I'm glad your family is feeling better!
There is nothing worse than throwing up! Give me the flu over that!!!!!
Love you guys so much
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