Butterfly Sparks Designs

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Hello blogworld! Here's a quick update of what's been going on at the Birke house (I promise I will do better). Sorry in advance for the cell phone pictures...

Lincoln is ALL boy. He has left Elmo in the dust and has moved onto cars. It saddens me deeply. The first night Lincoln requested to sleep with his cars instead of Elmo, Cookie, and Ernie...I just about cried. He's getting so big! He's wearing size 4 clothes and he is only 2 years old. I need him to slow down for my emotions sake! Lincoln is the silliest, funniest, sweetest boy ever.

Rufus got a haircut! He was at an all time low. Let's just put it this way----I conned Chris into dropping off Rufus off at the snobby dog salon because he looked that bad. But not before contemplating dropping him off myself and telling them that Rufus was a stray dog I found on the side of the road.

I had the best birthday ever. I know I say this every year, but this year it really was! Chris, my parents, family, and friends made it so special. I had an unexpected surprise from my nursing school friends. They brought me cookies to school and my sweet friend Joanna surprised me with a quilt and pillow she MADE! This picture doesn't do it justice...it's beautiful! She's currently making Lincoln a quilt made out of some of his baby clothes. I will post pics when it's done!

Lincoln LOVES the outdoors. He could spend every second of every day outside. Here's the sweet boy at the park :-)

This picture cracks me up!!! Chris and his dad have been working hard staining our basement floors. And from the pic you can tell the fumes have been horrendous. The floor looks great though! I am sooo lucky to have such a hard working handy husband :-)

This is Lincoln at Walmart the other day. He was bored so he used a banana as a cell phone. He talked and talked and talked! He is so funny! His imagination is getting more wild every day.

Lincoln is a drink snob. It's hard to say whether he got that from his momma or his daddy but let me tell you...the boy loves his organic chocolate milk from Starbucks.

Anyhoo---that's all for now! I'm off to watch the Andy Griffith Show with my honey. It's our favorite show right now...we also like to refer to it as our anti-anxiety drug. Try it some time. It works wonders! Night!


Susie said...

He is such a cutie!!

Kelly said...

You're still here! It was so good to read up on you guys. I know things are super busy, but we've been praying for you all. Take care and honestly, we need to get together sometime for lunch or something!!!

Jami said...

glad you updated!
btw- I've been running into your dad here lately. I think it's funny it's Target I see him at. Guess he has to check out the comptition. Or his daily Starbucks!

pookieanddoodles said...

YEAHHHHH!!!! Your'e BACK!!!!! I'm soooo happy! You don't know how I look forward to seeing new pictures of the most beautiful boy ever and hearing about your life (since we never see you!!) Thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU!!!! Now, keep it up, ya hear?!!!! Love you bunches and love your sweet, beautiful family!!!

Rena' said...

Their Alive! So glad to hear from you. I understand about being hard to keep up. I sometimes have to force myself to sit down for a bi-weekly update. Take Care and God Bless. Tell Lincoln Braeleigh is getting sweeter everyday.