Today my neighbor asked my Mom how it felt to be famous. When she asked him what he meant, he informed her that her future son in law had written an article about us in the Outlook this past week. Of course, we had no idea! The article is titled "May I marry your daughter?" because it's about him asking my Dad's permission to propose to me. It also talks about the marital advice we've received throughout our engagement.
If you want to read the article, click HERE!!! It's a classic ;-) Chris writes very well. I'm sure that if my neighbor hadn't mentioned it, we would have never known about it at all! But I think that makes it even more sweet! I always love finding out that someone has complimented me when I wasn't present, and they didn't have any intentions of me finding out that they had said something nice. EVERYONE can say nice things to your face...but it's when someone says nice things behind your back that you feel like, "WOW-this person actually speaks the same of me when I'm gone as when I'm present?!?" I'm sure you know what I mean...
On a side note--my Mom and I started painting mine and Chris' bedroom today. We only have the tinted primer on so far...but we can already tell it's going to look great! I'll post the before and after pictures when were done painting.
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1 year ago
What a great story!! I can just see Chris nervously awaiting Mike's arrival at Bass Pro!!
It's an awesome feeling to know you found your soulmate!
Love the story. I am so happy for you too. Its awesome to know you really found that someone. Trust me I know :)
Such a nice blog. I hope you will create another post like this.
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