I can't believe Lincoln is 4 months old! He turned 4 months yesterday if you're actually counting.
You love bath time. A couple days ago I gave you a bath and you laughed every time I poured the water on you.
You love your crinkly book. Actually, you love anything that makes noise.
You have really found your voice. You are constantly cooing and trying to make sounds.
You wear a size 2 diaper.
6 months clothes fit you in length, but are a little too baggy for you to wear just yet. Right now you're wearing 3-6 months size clothes.
If you could have it your way, we would just sit and hold you all day. You love being held!
You are smiling more and more. You have the sweetest little smile!
You are still sleeping through the night and I'm sooo thankful for that!
You've been drooling so much that we're having to keep a bib on you 24-7. Otherwise you would drench your outfit within a matter of minutes.
You were just given the okay to start solids. We've been giving you split green peas and you love them!
You love playing with your hands and just staring at them. In the past few days you've discovered your toes.
You love it when we sing to you. You're favorites are You are my Sunshine, B-I-B-L-E, and I'm a Little Teapot.
You're favorite place to be is outside. You can be screaming bloody murder, and if we walk you outside you usually calm down.
You still hate going to sleep. You take a few naps during the day but they usually only last about 20 minutes.
You roll over from your back to your stomach now, no problem.
You're still happiest in the mornings. Every morning you sit in your Bumbo seat and watch me put on my makeup and get ready.
We love your little boy so much!
Megan and Chris you have a cutie.I know you know that already.
Adorable! Really cute pictures. And I love that you do the monthly update with the bear. :)
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