Butterfly Sparks Designs

Thursday, July 16, 2009

love at first bite

We were given the okay to start introducing solids to Lincoln yesterday. I had been reading up for months on how to make your own babyfood and I was so excited! We decided on split green peas for his first meal.

First I grinded the split green peas into powder.

Then, I added water and cooked it on the stove for a few minutes, poured it into a glass dish, and voila! Homemade split green peas ...

I froze the rest in cubes for later.

Here's Lincoln anticipating his first bite ...

I'm so hungry I could eat my fingers!

I see it ...

I'm ready!

I'm not sure about this ...

I think ...

I ...

love it.


Jami said...

What a doll, and your new camera is awesome, great pictures.

ginmommy said...

I have so much "camera envy"

BTW, he's just a doll!!!

Tracey said...

Adorable!! You are such a good Mommy!

Anonymous said...

He is soooooo cute, I'm scared he will be in high school before I get to see him. I must do better!

Aunt Chrissy said...

This is a great blog Meg! I love watching Lincoln taking his first bites of yummy peas!!! Yay! Is he ready for steak yet??? lol

The Tibbs World said...

So cute!

Proud Parents of Halainah Grace said...

I love the fact that you picked a baby food recipe!

Shelly said...

Wow, homemade baby food & everything! You are a great mommy!