Butterfly Sparks Designs

Thursday, September 17, 2009

6 months!!!

You had your 6 month check up today with Dr. C. You weigh 18 pounds and 14 ounces and are 28 inches long, which puts you in the 75th percent for weight and 90th percent for height!

You love watching your Praise Baby video. Finally, we've found a video you enjoy more than Enchanted. You start smiling as soon as it comes on. I feel a little less guilty popping in a Praise Baby than Enchanted when I need to take a shower!

You love playing "Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker's man".

You have two teeth on the bottom center.

You've started doing this thing where you yell. You're not angry, but you're not happy, you're just yelling for absolutely no reason at all.

You're wearing size 3 diapers, 6-9 months clothes, and 12 months onesies!

You are obsessed with your feet (notice the pictures)!

You can no longer use your bouncy seat, but you like your exersaucer and Johnny Jump Up.

You adore your grandparents.

Your favorite foods are green beans, rice cereal, avocado, and bananas.

You have a bottle every 2-3 hours.

You love bath time.

You have the sweetest little voice. Your laugh is so precious!

One of your favorite pastimes is playing with your binky. You like to pick it up, then put it down, over and over again. You've just started picking it up and putting it in your mouth the right way.

You love being carried around outside.

You've just started getting up on all fours. You may not be crawling yet, but you can wiggle and roll your way to anything!

We cannot believe you are already half a year old! We love you so much.


Leigh Ann said...

Wow, how six months has just flown by. I simply cant get enough of your love. Thank you Megan and Chris for giving us the most precious grandson.
Leigh Ann

AKat said...

Happy Half Birthday, Lincoln! You're a cutie pie, sweet baby.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Lincoln!

I'm going to give you 1/2 a birthday spankin' when I get home!

ginmommy said...

I cant believe he's 6 months old already!!! What a precious little boy.

Jill said...

I love the feet pics. Kade is obsessed with his feet right now, too. Too cute! :-)

Jill said...

I love the feet pics. Kade is obsessed with his feet right now, too. Too cute! :-)

Tracey said...

Happy 6 months old, Lincoln!!!

Great pix, Megan! You're a natural :)

Jason Craven said...


I smell a book coming called "Letters to Lincoln", any chance of that happening?